CMC Consulting new office opening event




On the morning of June 13, CMC Consulting successfully celebrated a new office opening event at the 8th floor, CMC Tower, Hanoi with full of joy and excitement. This event of CMC Consulting was attended by representatives from CMC Corp, CMC Technology and Solution division, and all of the BoD/Managers/Leaders/Staffs of CMC Consulting.

Ms. Nguyen Hang Thu - Vice President of CMC Consulting shared at the ceremony,  “This opening celebration of the new office is put a lot of enthusiasm of the Board of Directors which has been cherished for many years. I believe that renewing the appearance of the office not only opens up a more ample and comfortable space for everyone to work, but also helps CMC Consulting take the next steps on the journey to become the dynamic, high quality and professional Consulting and Implementation services supplier in the future”

Also at the ceremony, Mr. Nguyen Trung Chinh, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Executive Chairman of CMC Group expressed his emotion when seeing the new look of CMC Consulting after 14 years of development. He said: “We not only have a new office, a new strategy, a new direction, but in particular we have achieved the mission of becoming a consulting company with CMC Consulting name, belonging in the Technology & Solution- a key field of CMC. With the next direction and strategy outlined in the coming time, I believe that CMC Consulting will achieve the strategic goals of the company and of the corporation. "

With the re-branding event in early 2022 and orientation to become a company which provides Consulting and Implementation services of comprehensive Digital Transformation solutions for enterprises, CMC Consulting initially focused on developing human resources through creating ideal working environment for employees. By that, the company decided to invest in renovating the office with the optimal design for the working space. Currently, the company has 6 meeting rooms with 2 main Conference rooms and a 4-room complex corresponding to 4 seasons: Spring-Summer-Autumn-Winter, meeting the needs of professional working for employees.

Beside private spaces, CMC Consulting also opened coworking spaces such as: Hot Desks for meeting and discussing with partners and clients; Open Spaces for relaxing, creating an open and connecting workspace among people; Phone Booth for improving privacy when making phone calls,... Not only that, 4C core values of CMC decorated on the walls are the guiding principles helps each employee to make their best efforts at work.

With the new office, teams in CMC Consulting have more space to openly discuss, easily communicate and increase working efficiency. Besides, the appearance making over also creates opportunities for CMC Consulting to empower each individual to express themselves; increases inspiration and motivation for employees. Consequently, they can improve their determination and get ready to accompany CMC Consulting conquer the set goals in the next journey.

The investment in renewing office space and efforts to create an ideal working environment of CMC Consulting is expected to be the foundation to promote the development of human resources of the whole company, especially with the Consulting team. In the new journey, CMC Consulting continues to build a team of elite consultants with deep understanding in industry solutions. This will be the core team to help CMC Consulting to reach its position as one of the reputable Consulting and Implementation businesses, accompanying clients in the digital transformation; contributing to the overall development of CMC Corporation and enhancing Vietnam's position in the Digital Era.

At the event, Mr. Ho Thanh Tung - General Director of CMC, Chairman of the Board of Directors of CMC Consulting expressed his confidence in the capacity of CMC Consulting experts: “From April 2022, CMC Consulting had a remarkable development, really becoming one of the top 3 ERP Consulting and Implementation companies in Vietnam. Today, we have a new appearance, a new energy for all of CMC Consulting. I believe that our company will meet and exceed the set goals. Congratulations to CMC Consulting and congratulations to all of us! "

With the correct investment in manpower and brainpower of the company, CMC Consulting commits to becoming one of the leading recognized supplier of Consulting and Implementation services with comprehensive Digital Transformation solutions for enterprises in Vietnam and abroad in the future.

See full images of CMC Consulting New Office Opening event Here

CMC Consulting - Empowering Businesses During the Digital Transformation!

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